A toilet is a toilet, right?

Not if it isn’t working.

Though we often take it for granted, the toilet is one of the most important inventions when it comes to making 21st century life more convenient. It takes one of the least pleasant realities of life as a human, and disposes of it in a quick and convenient way.

So when it stops working, you tend to notice.

Whether you need residential plumbing repair services for a toilet in your home, or a commercial plumbing repair service for the staff or customers at your business, it’s something that needs to be taken care of right away.

Sure, you can take the wait-and-see approach, but more often than not, all that will do is leave you with a bigger more expensive problem down the road.

Don’t wait until you have to call a 24 hour emergency plumber, call Mount Airy Plumbing and let us help you get your toilet running smooth and clear once again.

Clogged Toilet Repair

One of the most common issues people have with their toilets is that it won’t flush properly. That should come as no surprise, since your toilet really only has that one job to do.

There are many different reasons a toilet can become clogged. Some of them are the fault of the user, like when people flush things down the toilet that they ought not to. I don’t care what it says on the package, cat litter and baby wipes are not flushable! The only things that should go down your toilet are human waste and water. Flush anything else and you may end up needing a clogged drain cleaning repair service or even a full main sewer line backup repair

But sometimes things just happen, like when a tree root grows through your toilet plumbing, or an earthquake or flooding shifts your pipes.

Whatever the cause though, we’ll be there for you to help.

New Toilet Installations

Believe it or not, toilets are one of the most durable things we produce in our society. Porcelain is strong enough to withstand fires, earthquakes, and sometimes even full on building collapses.

But even the mightiest fall sometimes.

If you have a cracked toilet bowl, that’s nearly impossible to repair and you will need a new toilet. However, often the other parts within your toilet stop working as well. In some cases you can replace these, but in others you’ll need to replace the whole toilet.

And then, there’s the vanity aspect. Sometimes you just want a new toilet because the old one doesn’t fit your decor scheme anymore.

Or maybe you want to replace your toilet with a more eco-friendly model that uses less water.

Whatever your reasons, we won’t judge. We’ll just perform a Philadelphia toilet replacement and installation plumbing service, and help you to enjoy a comfortable bathroom experience.

Have leaky pipes, sump pump issue, clogged toilet or sewer drain?

Whatever your plumbing problem, well inspect the job and get it fixed right away!

Frequently Asked Questions About Toilets

Got a toilet question? We’ve got toilet answers!

Take a look below to see some of the most frequently asked questions we hear here at Mount Airy Plumbing. Take a look at our general FAQ page if you don’t see your answer here, or feel free to give us a call.

Like the name suggests, a one piece toilet is made up of a single unified design, while a two piece toilet is detachable, usually the tank and bull can be separated.

Two-piece toilets are the most common and they tend to be the most popular from a residential bathroom plumbing installation perspective. One piece toilets are often installed in more upscale homes, but the only real advantage other than aesthetic is that one piece toilets tend to be a little easier to clean.

In general, the porcelain parts of your toilet should last for a very long time. Barring some sort of strange scenario, like if you accidentally drop your bowling ball on it, toilets are pretty sturdy. However, the parts inside of your toilet will wear out more quickly.

On average, the replaceable parts within your toilet should last about five years, but this can vary depending on your water quality, the quality of your parts, and whether you use chemical toilet bowl cleaners.

This does occasionally happen even with brand new toilets. When you flush your toilet, the flapper unplugs the tank, flooding the bowl and flushing away, well, you know. Once it empties, the flapper automatically plugs the tank back up, and it begins to refill. That’s why jiggling the handle is often enough to get a toilet to stop running.

If that doesn’t work, it could be that the chain on your flapper is too long. Open your toilet tank, and see what the chain looks like when it’s closed. It should have very little slack in this position. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you may need to replace your flapper. We can help you with this, but it’s also a pretty easy thing to do yourself if you’re so inclined.

Dump a bottle of Coca-Cola into your toilet and let it sit there for a while. Yes, we’re serious. Coca-Cola has a substance called phosphoric acid inside of it, which is very effective at getting rid of rust stains.

Water, human waste, and toilet paper – that’s it. Flushing other things can lead to majorly clogged drains. If your toilet is clogged, we can do a video camera drain inspection to find out the problem.

Have a clogged drain or sewer, leaky faucet, water heater, or other plumbing issue?

Contact Mount Airy Plumbing and get your emergency plumbing issues resolved right away!