Your kitchen sink is an important part of your home. For many people, the kitchen is a gathering place, a place where family and friends get together to swap stories, reconnect, and remember what truly matters in life – each other.

As a result, for many, when something goes wrong with your kitchen plumbing, it can mean more than just a little plumbing disruption.

Or perhaps your kitchen sink is just a place to wash your dishes and prepare food. Either way, it’s no fun when you have kitchen sink plumbing issues.

We can help

Here At Mount Airy Plumbing, our kitchen sink repair and installation plumbers are prepared to help you. Whether it’s residential plumbing service you need, or you run a commercial kitchen and need a commercial repair plumbing service, we’ve got you covered.

Philadelphia Kitchen Faucet Repair Plumbing Company

Is your kitchen faucet not working? If so, this can cause a major disruption in your day to day life.

It’s common for kitchen sink faucets to become clogged after some time. In some cases, this is just a result of calcium or limescale buildup on the inside of your aerator. Your kitchen faucet aerator is the piece that goes on the spout of your faucet, and it’s what gives the water a more consistent flow that splashes a lot less. Without an aerator, your kitchen sink faucet water flow would look more like the water that comes out of your backyard hose.

If your kitchen faucet aerator is clogged, this is an easy fix. Simply remove it, let it soak in vinegar overnight, and then rinse it off and reassemble it. No problem. However, if there is another cause for it to be clogged, we can help.

You may also have a leaky kitchen faucet. This is no fun, not only because it can increase your water bill with no real benefit, it can also cause leaks underneath your kitchen sink. That can lead to some pretty major damage to your home, so it’s a good idea to call a leak repair plumber.

Or maybe you just have a damaged or broken kitchen faucet. Whatever it is, you can count on us to get the job done.

New Kitchen Faucet And Kitchen Sink Installations

Of course, there are cases where you don’t want a kitchen faucet repair plumbing service. Sometimes it just makes more sense to pull the old one out and replace it with something new.

Maybe you’re doing a kitchen renovation, giving this important part of your home a brand new look. Maybe the old one is just too damaged and worn out. Or maybe you’re just tired of looking at it and want something new and fresh.

Whatever the reason, we won’t judge. We are only here to help.

Count on Mount Airy Plumbing to help you with all your new kitchen faucet and kitchen sink plumbing installation services.

Have a clogged drain or sewer, leaky faucet, water heater, or other plumbing issue?

Contact Mount Airy Plumbing and get your emergency plumbing issues resolved right away!

Clogged Kitchen Sink Drain Cleaning Services

Whereas bathroom plumbing clogged drain issues are a result of hair, most of the time, kitchen sink clogged drain issues have more to do with food particles being sent down the drain.

This is especially the case with any sort of oil. Bacon grease or coconut oil, for example, become hard at room temperature. As a result, they can build up inside your kitchen sink drain and block the water from flowing through it. Combine this with the other food particles that get washed down your drain, and you’re in for some serious water flow issues. In particular, coffee grounds and eggshells can mix to create a particularly impenetrable paste, since those items get heavy when mixed with water and don’t flow through your drain very easily.

Kitchen sink garbage disposal systems can help with this, but even if you have one of those, you should avoid washing cooking oils down your drain.

However, there are other potential causes of a clogged kitchen sink drain. Although most kitchen sink drains are designed to catch objects from washing down the drain, sometimes things can get through. Your kids might think they’re being funny, for example, by stuffing some foreign objects down your kitchen sink drain. And of course, hair can be a possibility as well, as some people use their kitchen sink to wash their hair.

If you have a clogged kitchen sink drain, we can help. We can do a video camera drain inspection to find out what it is that’s causing your clog, and then provide a Philadelphia drain cleaning service to get your drains working the way they ought to.

Kitchen Sink Plumbing FAQ

If you have questions about kitchen sink plumbing, read on below.

If you don’t have a dishwasher, having a double basin kitchen sink makes life a lot easier. You can feel one of the sinks with hot water to wash your dishes, and then use the other half to rinse them. It can also help because it means you don’t have to wash your dishes before preparing dinner, knowing that you’ll have to wash the dishes after dinner anyway.

Kitchen sink drains gurgle for the same reason every other drain gurgles – because it’s clogged. This might not cause a problem immediately, but you’ll have to call a plumber eventually to clean your drain.

First of all, when a bathroom sink doesn’t have an overflow, that’s a plumbing code violation. That’s not the case with a kitchen sink, though.

But why the difference? It’s an issue related to sanitation. If food particles get caught inside of a kitchen sink overflow, they can begin to rot, which can be a health and safety concern.

This could be any number of things, but realistically it’s likely one of 2. Either there’s rotting food inside your kitchen sink or in the P-trap, or your P-trap isn’t working properly and it’s letting sewer gases in. If it’s the former, you may be able to solve the problem by filling your sink with water and then letting it drain. However, if that doesn’t solve the problem, call Mount Airy Plumbing. We’ll take a look to make sure you’re not in danger from toxic sewer gases.

There are a number of different possible causes for low water pressure. If it’s only your kitchen sink that has low water pressure, it might just be that your aerator is clogged. We explained how to clean your kitchen sink aerator above.

However, if you have low water pressure throughout your house, call Mount Airy Plumbing and we’ll take a look.