What is your shower?

It’s a place to get clean, of course. but it can be so much more than that.

It’s a place where you get to escape from the stress of the world, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You get to leave life’s problems at the door, and take a deep breath, relaxing as the warm water washes your cares away. It’s one of the few places that even your phone doesn’t follow you!

But of course, that’s not always the case. If your shower isn’t working, best place of sanctuary can become a source of great dress instead.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Mount Airy Plumbing can help.

Our residential plumbing contractors provide both shower repair services and new shower installations. Our goal is to take care of all the stress involved, to make your shower a place of peace and relaxation once more.

And of course, if your shower is catastrophically failing, we can help too. Our 24 hour emergency plumbers will be on hand as soon as possible to take care of the job.

Philadelphia Shower Repair Plumbing Services

It’s sometimes hard to believe, since we tend to take plumbing fixtures for granted, but your shower can stop working sometimes.

Plumbing parts get worn out after a while, and your shower head or faucet handle may have just sung its last tune.

Or maybe you’re dealing with shower low water pressure, making your once relaxing showers a struggle to get enough of the barely trickling water to fall on you.

Even still, you might be dealing with a clogged shower drain.

Whatever the reason, we can help.

Here at Mount Airy Plumbing, we’ve seen it all. No matter how badly your shower is damaged, we have the skills you need to get it working clean and smooth once again.

Philadelphia Shower Replacement And New Shower Installation Technicians

In some cases, you can fix a shower, but in others, it’s time to let it go.

It might be because the wall or floor of your shower is broken, and while repairing that is possible, in many cases it’s cheaper and more effective to just replace it.

It could also be the case that you or a loved one are having difficulty using your shower, perhaps as a result of a disability or just getting older.

And speaking of which, maybe your shower is just old and it’s time to replace it with a nicer, newer looking model.

Whatever the reason, we can help.

Call Mount Airy Plumbing today for all your Philadelphia shower replacement and new shower installation needs.

Have an emergency plumbing issue that can't wait, or need general repairs?

Our plumbers are ready and on call to help fix your plumbing issue day or night!

Philadelphia Clogged Shower Drain Cleaning And Repair

Clogged shower drains are some of the most common reasons why we get called for Philadelphia clogged drain cleaning repair services. And when you think about what goes down your shower drain, it’s easy to understand why.

Hair, dead skin cells, and soap scum can all mix together to form a thick paste that coats the inside of your pipes, and as time goes on, this paste can clog your drain.

A plunger might help, but if it doesn’t, give us a call. We’ll clean your shower drain and get it running smoothly once again.

Shower Plumbing FAQ

Do you have questions about Philadelphia shower repair and new shower installations? If so, you’ve reached the part of our website that just may be the most helpful for you.

Read on below to find some of the most frequently asked questions we hear about the subject. You can also check out our general plumbing FAQ page if you have other questions.

Shower low water pressure can have a few different causes. First of all, is your shower the only thing in the house that has low water pressure, or does the entire house have low water pressure? As well, does your shower only have low water pressure when other faucets in the house are running? If so, it’s likely due to an issue with your plumbing system as a whole.

If your shower has low water pressure regardless of whether other faucets are turned on, it might be an issue with leaky pipes. In that case, you definitely want to call a Philadelphia plumbing contractor as soon as possible, since leaky pipes can cause major damage to your home.

If your shower head is leaking, it’s often caused by a faulty gasket or a poor connection. Replacing these gaskets usually solves the problem. This is something we can do for you, but it’s also something that’s pretty simple to DIY.

If your shower head seems to be clogged, it’s often a result of limescale buildup inside of it. The good news is that this is pretty easy to clean. By soaking your shower head in a bucket full of vinegar, you can usually get rid of whatever it is that’s clogging your shower head. If not, you may need to replace the shower head.

The amount of time it takes depends on what materials you use, how available those materials are, and what the design is like. In most cases, it takes a few days to properly install a shower to the point where it’s ready for you to use, but the consultation and planning process will take a few days before that.

Other than the obvious general wear and tear or blunt force breaking it, some of the most common problems include water damage from leaky pipes, clogged drain issues, and even termite infestations.

Have an emergency plumbing issue that can't wait, or need general repairs?

Our plumbers are ready and on call to help fix your plumbing issue day or night!