Modern life is so convenient, isn’t it? What used to take people hours of your life to do now gets finished with the tap of a button. Dishwashers are one of these. They’re more efficient, more convenient, and even better for the environment.

if you’ve always had a dishwasher, or you’ve had it for a long time, it’s easy to forget just how convenient they are. when it breaks down, or you move into a new house that doesn’t have one, you’ll get a reminder.

Here At Mount Airy Plumbing, we can help.

We can help with both residential plumbing for dishwashers, as well as commercial plumbing for dishwashers, like if you have a restaurant or a commercial kitchen.

And of course, if your dishwasher won’t stop leaking, give our 24 hour emergency plumbers a call, and we’ll be there for you.

Do You Repair Dishwashers?

No, that’s not part of a plumber’s expertise.

If there’s something wrong with your dishwasher itself, it’s a good idea to reach out to the manufacturer. It might still be under warranty, and even if it isn’t, they can usually send out a technician to help.

Obviously plumbing plays a major part in how a dishwasher works. However, there are many other mechanical parts inside a dishwasher that plumbers just aren’t trained to deal with.

So, how can we help?

Dishwasher Plumbing Repair

Your dishwasher connects to the plumbing in your home. That should come as no surprise to anybody. what does come as a surprise, however, is when the system your dishwasher connects to breaks down.

Like any plumbing system, things can go wrong. It could be that your dishwasher plumbing is old and worn out. You may need a Philadelphia leaky pipe repair in your dishwasher plumbing system. Or it could be that some connections or gaskets aren’t working as efficiently as they ought to be.

Your dishwasher plumbing can also become clogged over time, not only in the part that drains – needing a clogged drain cleaning – but in the pipes supplying water as well.

If you’re facing trouble with your dishwasher plumbing, we can help. Here at Mount Airy Plumbing, all of our plumbers are trained to deal with the issues that come up with dishwasher plumbing. Whatever it is that’s causing your problems, we’ll be there to fix it.

Have leaky pipes, sump pump issue, clogged toilet or sewer drain?

Whatever your plumbing problem, well inspect the job and get it fixed right away!

New Dishwasher Plumbing Installations

Of course, what’s written above is related to what happens when your existing dishwasher plumbing breaks down.

However, what happens when you want to install a dishwasher in a spot where there never was one before?

Perhaps you’re renovating your kitchen and decided to make life a little more convenient with a dishwasher.

Maybe it’s not a full renovation, but you just decided you have too many kitchen cupboards you’re not using, so you added a dishwasher instead.

Or maybe you’re starting a new restaurant and you need to install a commercial dishwasher to keep up with all the dishes you will go through with your customers.

Whatever the reason, we can help. We’ll set up the plumbing you need to install your new dishwasher, so you can spend less time washing dishes and more time doing what you actually enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dishwasher Plumbing

Do you have questions about dishwasher Plumbing? If so, we have the answers you need. Below, you’ll find some of the most frequently asked questions we here when it comes to dishwasher Plumbing.

If you don’t see your question, feel free to take a look at our general FAQ page, which may have the answer you’re looking for. You can also feel free to contact us, we are happy to help.

If you send your dishes through a dishwashing cycle, and they come out the other end dirty, there are a few different possible causes for this.

First of all, check your sprayer arms to make sure they aren’t clogged.

You might also find the strain screen and door gaskets have food particles, grease, and other debris built up along them.

It could also be that you have a low water pressure issue, in which case we can help. In most cases, however, if your dishwasher is not cleaning properly, it’s a good idea to call an appliance repair company.

If your dishes are streaky or cloudy, it could be because you have hard water.

Hard water is water that has a high amount of dissolved minerals inside of it, like calcium or magnesium.

With soft water, on the other hand, these minerals are removed. Hard water tends to leave particles built up inside your pipes, and can build up inside your dishwasher as well.

You can clean your dishwasher and get rid of these particles, but it won’t solve the problem permanently. We can help you by installing a water softener.

There was a time where dishwashers were incredibly inefficient. These days, however, consumers care more about the environment – and rightfully so!

Dishwasher manufacturers have responded by designing modern dishwashers to be much more efficient. Washing your dishes with a dishwasher these days actually uses less water than a full dishwasher load.

Iron, wood, silver, aluminum, and crystal are generally not a good idea to put in a dishwasher. Not because it’s bad for your dishwasher necessarily, but because it’s bad for the items themselves.

Have leaky pipes, sump pump issue, clogged toilet or sewer drain?

Whatever your plumbing problem, well inspect the job and get it fixed right away!